Financial tools and resources to help you create a more positive relationship with your money so you can use it as a tool to build your business, live Your Greatest Life and create positive change in the world!
These things take time.
Published 10 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader!
In a session with a client yesterday, we were talking about how she was disappointed in herself because she hadn't been checking her budget every day.
If this sounds all too familiar, I'm here to remind you that you are allowed to give yourself a bit of grace.
Can you learn a new language in a week?
Will your body heal a cut finger in a week?
Can you litter train a cat in a week??
Odds are, the answer is no to all of these!
And THAT's 100% OK.
It takes time to build a new habit or learn a new skill.
And yes, budgeting can be considered both of those.
But you know what will determine if you will be successful or not? Whether or not you believe you can be successful.
That's right. I believe that if YOU believe you can do something, then you can!
Will it take work? Certainly. Will it be uncomfortable at time? Most likely. Will you want to give up or feel disappointed because you got off track? Almost definitely.
But, if you believe you can have a brighter financial future (or whatever goal or habit you are working towards), and you put everything you have behind it and give it your all, I know you can get there. You've got this!
Bonus cute cat photo to make your day, if nothing else!
Thinking about changing up some of the things in my business...have you ever felt like you jumped into something sooner than you should have and it isn't working out as well as you had hoped? (Hello shiny squirrel!!) That's where I'm currently at with one piece of my business. I'm still weighing the options, so stay tuned, but also don't worry, it's nothing major and I'm not going anywhere!! 💜
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Financial tools and resources to help you create a more positive relationship with your money so you can use it as a tool to build your business, live Your Greatest Life and create positive change in the world!