
Lindsey Ciarrocca | YNAB Certified Budget Coach

The Amazon Prime Trap

Hey Reader!

Are you an Amazon Prime subscriber? Normally I'm not, but at the moment, I'm in the middle of a free 30 day trial. (In a past life I worked at an Amazon warehouse so I generally try not to buy from them if I can at all help it! 🀣)

The only reason I said yes to the free 30 days was so that I could get my nephew his birthday gift on time without paying for shipping...haha, whoops, yes, I guess I procrastinated on that one!

Anyway, I ordered my gift, took them up on the Prime trial and went on my way.

The very next day, I found myself thinking about something I needed and immediately thought, oh I could just go onto Amazon and order that right now.



I stopped in my tracks because I realized that is exactly what they want you to do! Just pull out your phone and spend that money without a second thought.

Normally, if there was something I needed that I had to buy from Amazon, I would wait until I could reach the $35 free shipping minimum. Because that could take a few days or even weeks, sometime I never even end up buying the item that I may have thought I 'needed' at the time! But with a Prime membership, there's no time for that extra thought. It's so incredibly easy to pop on and spend $20 here and $15 there. But, believe me, those $20 and $15 purchases add up quickly.

So, I encourage you to pause before clicking that 'Buy Now' button. (Not even add to cart, they make it so easy to take your money with just one click!) Is that item something you truly need? Do you have the money already in your budget for it? If so, great! If not, maybe hold off on that instant gratification until you have the money or until you decide it is truly a priority for you.

Just some Amazon food for thought. Feel free to reply and let me know your thoughts on this!

Probably going to shop small at a local business,



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1143 Redwood Drive, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013

Lindsey Ciarrocca | YNAB Certified Budget Coach

Financial tools and resources to help you create a more positive relationship with your money so you can use it as a tool to build your business, live Your Greatest Life and create positive change in the world!

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